Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weeny and the Sulky Step

I love cuddling up with mummy and daddy, especially if they let me on the bed! But sometimes i jump up without permission, so i sit like this, until i'm told to get off, or told its ok to sit there for now... hehehe, pretty pathetic?! It gets worse... When mummy and daddy open the door, to take out the rubbish, or answer the door to someone, i also want to go outside to explore, and if mummy and daddy say i cant go out, i sit on my sulky step. I think the pictures explain this, but in case you didnt guess, i go on this step and sulk, till mummy or daddy pay me attention!

Heres what i think of not being allowed outside whenever i want to!!

Love Weeny xx xx


Frasier said...

You are too cute,that look should melt a heart of stone!!

Mack said...

Oh man, I need me a sulky step!

Paris came from a house with stairs and I think she really misses them at our house!

Jessica said...

Oh Weeny.... You are the cutes sulky puggie we have ever seen. Us doggies have to learn the sulky thing that we can always get our way. Looks like you have learned to do it really good. Seadra is really good at it too but I'm still learning and not very good at it yet.

Love, Zoe

The Devil Dog said...

That sulky step trick looks like it works great. I should try it.


Archie and Melissa said...

Weeny, you are a genius!
I'm taking notes!

ChaChi Lu said...

Hi Weeny!

Thank you for visiting my blog. You two are adorable! I love your "sulky step"...I might have to try that approach...although I really don't want to go outside.

~Chachi Lu Pink Champagne and JET

Daisy said...

Hi Weeny! Hi Daisy! I saw you on Frasier's blog. I wanted to say hello to you because my name is Daisy, too! But I am a cat.

Clover said...

Aw, poor Weeny! It's too bad that parents don't let us do what we want, when we want it!!
Love Clover xo

Nevis said...

Poley doesn't have a sulky step, but he does give us that same pathetic look when we're eating and refusing to give him any.

Duke said...

Thanks for stopping by our blog Weeney! You do the raspberries very well! hehehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Jemima Jones Beck said...

Oh no! You poor thing! That sulky step even worked on me - and I am another pug!
Jemima Jones Beck

Asta said...

Hi Weeny and Daisy,
It's vewy nice to meet two bootiful cutie pies like you..I will add you to my fwiendz list too..I'm suwe I couldn't wesist that look
smoochie kisses

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Oh so glad you explained the step thingy cos we would of thought you were in time-out. You look adorable even if you are sulking

Love licks and waggin tails