Our Auntie, Mummys sister, Alex, has moved into her apartment in Toronto now! She was a bit scared, moving to a whole new country, making new friends and starting her new job, but shes settled in now! We love and miss Auntie Alex, but we are so happy for her, that she has found happiness in Toronto!
Here we are with Auntie Alex:
Alex and Weeny

And Alex and Daisy!

We love you,Auntie Alex, and mummy cant wait to see you in March!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
I know she'll miss you, but congrats to your Auntie in her new home!
PeeS: I will go say hi to Jemima Jones right now!
Hmmm, Auntie Alex is a little bit hot! Good pics with you two puggies, stay warm.
Hi Weeny and Daisy,
Congrats to your aunt! I hope you get to see her soon. If you go visit her, stop by and say hi to me, she lives only about 4 hours from me now!!
Love Clover xo
Wow, I thought I was making a big move (from Los Angeles to Alabama) but moving to a whole new country! :) Why did she move, may I ask?
Welcome to North America, Aunt Alex . . . we know you will enjoy it!
Hey weeny and daisy!!
AAAARRROO thats some exciting news about youre auntie alex!!
hope you have a great day!
peace out
Weeny! Daisy! now you can get pressies from Toronto! How pawsome fur your auntie
Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud
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