I have a new toyyyy! Mummy got a present from her nice friend Lauren, Lauren knows that mummy loves Harry Potter, so got her a toy of the rat, Scabbers (Ron Weasleys pet Rat, who turns out to be.. Peter Pettigrew!) Anyway she had it higgghhh up on the shelf where i would gaze lovingly at the rat, when suddenly, one day, Plomp! It fell down! hehehehe! Mummy didnt notice, and i snuck Mr Ratty over to my bed, ever since then, he has been my new toy! I love my ratty and mummy said i can keep him, as she feels being slobbered all over and shook hard is a good punishment for evil scabbers! I call him Ratty, or Mr Rat, or Ratty Mc Rat Rat.. Here i am playing with him!
This is Mr Rat! (and my chubby leg!)

I loveee Mr Rat!

Hmmf! Can you guess who made me pose in this SILLY way for the picture?! muuum! You are embarrasing me in front of my bloggy friends!!

Much more manly and strong!

I have also got into a bad hebit of shaking Mr Ratty around violently and getting closer and closer to Daisy who backs away and backs away until... POUNCE! and we have a wrestling match! (she usually wins!)
Love Weeny xx
Hi Weeny and Daisy.... We just saw you on pug-a-day. We gave you a 10 star rating!!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Aren't forbidden toys the best kind!?
Congrats on being the pug of the day,
Go Weeny! Show that Ratty a thing or two. Give it an extra mauling for Mommy (she hates rats!)
Glad I found your blog and met Weeny.
Weeny, how long do you think it will take you to take the stuffins out of Mr. Rat?
Come by and say, "Hi". I have three Chihuahuas that I think you would like to have as friends.
Wow! Your Ratty looks like fun! The best ones are the ones you get yourself, like Mack said. I can guess who made you pose for that picture. My mom makes me pose for pictures too.
Don't be embarrassed! Our mom takes stoopid shots of us too and post them on our blog! She thinks it's cute!
Ratty is pretty cute!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congrats on Pug A Day. Isn't that fun? As for Mr Ratty, give a good hard shake for me, okay?
Hey weeny!!
OOOO i wouldnt mind giving mr.RATTY a bite and a shake myself!!
wet sloppy kisses
peace out
Weeny! Daisy! we figured it out, your widget didn't load the first time. Oh your ratty looks like such fun to play with! ya'll enjoy!
Loe Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud
Hi Weeney and Daisy
What a gweat toy!! I would shake Rat a tat tat too...Oh yes, CONGWATULATIONS fow being pug of the day!!! I bet the two of you have the best time playing...
you'we just the cutest puggies evew!
smoochie kisses
We totally gave you guys a "10" on Pug-A-Day! :) Oh, and trust your mother. Scabbers totally deserves to be bitten by the neck and shook with all your might!
Oh, and I totally forgot to tell you guys - but we're getting a 2nd pug! I'm so excited!!!!!!
That Ratty toy looks great to shake! You mom was so nice to let you keep it!
Kisses and hugs
Can Willow and Belle come play witht he Rat with you?
ms owner read harry potter too...
hope u had fun time playing with the new mate..
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