This is me, Weeny, mid shake/ mid ROO ROOOOO ing at the mean old hoomans inside! Doesnt daisy look sweet!
Here i am, using my puggy powers of cuteness, hoping it will score me a ticket to warmsville!
Ok, ok, we admit, we were out there for 5 mins going to the toilet, then mummy let us in and wrapped us each up in a nice warm snuggly towel!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Yup, mom knew better. I HATE going out in the rain. I will run inside if I can, but business has to be done.
Ok now the truth comes out!
I am just like that too..I hate going out in the rain to potty!
(Last week I pottied in the living room when it was raining- mom is still mad about that)
Bye guys!
Weeny and Daisy, you are toooo funny! Great pictures! Love the action shots!
Melissa and Emmitt
You know what the word for you two, is? "Revisionist Historians"...!!!
Aw, poor little friends, stuck out in the rain! I HATE peeing in the rain. I do a good "roo roo" to get the humans' attention too.
Love Clover xo
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