Saturday, January 12, 2008

Daddy is home!!

Hooray! We were all so happy to see him! Here we are giving him some welcome home cuddles!

Here is Daisy saying hi to daddy! (with her very own R Rated, Playpug shot!)

And here i am enjoying my welcome home cuddles!

Hooray! Welcome home daddy! We missed you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx


Mack said...

You remind me of Paris - that girl is stuck like glue to her daddy! I know you are so glad to see him. Don't we just miss our parents when they aren't there?
I think you seriously need to consider calling Play Pug magazine Daisy. Girl you got what it takes!
So sorry to here that your mom lost her job. That's happened to my mom so many times it's not even funny!!
But hey, you know what that means??? Mommy's home all day. YAH!

Jessica said...

Daddy's are the greatest!! We are happy that your Daddy is home. have fun playing with him.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Nevis said...

Welcome home Weeny and Daisy's daddy!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Daddy cuddles are just the best huh?!

Love Licks & waggin TX tails