I have found a perfect place to perch! I've dicovered that the oven not only magically makes delicious food, but it is also very warm around it, so i have taken to sitting in front of it when it is on, and staring dreamily into space...

I cant wait till mummy and daddy need to eat again!
Love Weeny xx xx
Me and my sissies do that too. The best part about hangin round the kitchen is when mom drops food on the floor. Life is good!
My goodness! What a smart idea!
I am going to have to try that asap!
I also agree with Mack that the food droppies are really good.
Jemima Jones Beck
Yup, that certainly looks like a good place to camp out. Being warm is key!
Oh Weenie! You are so cute! I wish I could hug you and Daisy. You make me smile!
The oven is a nice place . . . I will let you in on my secret . . . stand underneath the microwave oven -- in our household much more food comes out of there . . .
We do that too sometimes. But mostly we like to lay by the heat vents.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Another great spot is under the cook top and food magically falls into your mouth!
oh we do too! if nothing falls then we give the puppy dog eyes! it always works ~ woohoo
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
You're crazy intelligent, Weeny. Don't let Dasiy tell you any differently...she's just jealous!
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