We would like to thank our lovely friend
Mack for giving us a best friend award! It is our very first award, and we were very touched!

We would like to pass it on to our sweet new puppy friend Napoleon (and his mummy!)
Thanks again Mack!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Me?!! Awwwwwww....I'm SOOOOOOOO touched! Thank-you very much! *blushing* Well, I didn't prepare anything...didn't think I'd win. Let's see...I'd like to thank the Academy. And my mother and father. My fiance, Terry, who puts up with my pug-obsession and bought Poley for me. And all of you guys, my fans. *giggle*
You are so welcome! So glad you are my friend!
That is a very nice award.
Roxy & Lucky
Congratulations! friends make the world a better place.
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
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