When we have a shower, i cant help but sniff Daisy, she smells so nice!
We werent completely dry, so mummy put our tshirts on us, so we wouldnt be too cold, and we got a treat each, for staying still for the hairdryer! You can tell we hate shower night, by our tails - they are long! Usually they are tightly curled up on our backs and wiggling away like mad!
Hope no one else had to suffer this kind of torture like we did!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
You have to do the hairdryer thingy too??!?
Oh my dogness, I give you my condolenses.
At least you smell good, right?!
Oh no! Not shower time! That is my least favorite day of the month (or week depending on how dirty I am). But you do look nice and fluffy...;)
Jemima Jones Beck
Weeny! Daisy! your so brave to let the dryer monster get near you. We only like outside baths in the summer so we wouldn't have been happy. ~ But it does feel really good after one huh? but us doggies know better than to let our humons know right?!
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
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