Saturday, April 5, 2008

the monster that lives behind the fridge..

There is a scary yellow monster that lives behind the fridge.. daddy and mummy take it out every now and again, and it SCARES us. It makes a big sucking noise and is louddd as is crawls around our house..

Here is this scary monster...

And here are Daisy and I, sitting quietly on the couch, trying not to draw attention to ourselves, and hope that the monster doesnt see us..

Anydoggy else have a monster in their home?

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx


Leah said...

Oooo, we have a monster at our house, and sometimes our mommy tries to use it on since we shed so much! Love, Daisy and Oscar

Anonymous said...

Yes, we had a HUGE monster come on thursday to suck up the water. I ad to hold Gus cause he didn't like it.
We normally use a little blue monster and the pugs park at it!

The Devil Dog said...

Yes, that is the rug sucking monster, and it is very scary. It chases me at times. I don't like that.


Duke said...

We have a blue monster named Hoover that lives in our closet! When he comes out, we attack! We hate Hoover!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
Yes, I have an orange monster here in my house too! And every time it comes out of the closet I go to hide under the bed!
Be careful with the one you have. Its scary!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Too Cute Pugs said...

The monster came out yesterday! Ours is gray and horrible and noisy. My little sister barks at it but I run away and hide.

Pug snorts from,

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Yep we have amonster at our house 2..Willow and Belle love to chase it and bark at it all around the house when I am sucking up all the Pug Fur!

Archie and Melissa said...

Hi Weeny and Daisy!
Yes, we have that monster in our house too, but i out smart it. see, what i do is sit right in the on coming path of it so that mom has to push it all around me. it is loud and kind of scary, but i show him who is boss. it sucks up all my pug fuzz out of the room except where my butt is sitting, saving my fuzz on the carpet. aren't i smart? now i just have to figure out how to rescue that fuzz without having to sit in that spot forever. any ideas?

Mack said...

Yes, we have an evil vacuum and every time it comes out I try to kill it!

Anonymous said...

Oh Man! My mom has one of those loud, loud scary monsters. It never hurts her but you never know. I've seen it eat some big things! What can be done about this?

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i have that monster in my home too

Harry said...

Yes, we have one of those, but I have to say neither Cassidy or I are bothered by it one little bit, apart from when ma or pa has to disturb us to lift our beds to vacuum underneath!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Nevis said...

Ooo..yes! We have a monster who lives with us....but our pugs seem to find it amusing and play tag with it....funny,huh?

Frances Louise said...

We also have a blue monster that Mommy takes out every now and then. I try to stay out of it's way . . .

Bella and Perogi said...

your monster that lives behind the fridge also lives in our closet. It's bella and perogi's arch nemesis #1. Bella likes to run right up to it and in her highest pitch, bark at it until it goes away.

You're all such silly puggies :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, we have a loud monster that runs around on wheels, makes a lot of noise and eats things off the carpet. I am not afraid of that thing. I just stand there and chase it and bark. It runs away from me.

ChaChi Lu said...

Ohh! YES! We have one of those too. Jettie likes to bite and bark and it but I could care less!

~ChaChi LU

Clover said...

Hi guys! You are too cute sitting hiding from the monster. We have one - I bark at it and attack it. Mom wishes I would hide from it...
Love Clover xo

Jemima Jones Beck said...

Oh My DOG! we have a monster that is veryyyyy similar in our house. The monster in our house lives in the closet and comes out every Saturday. I attempted to kill the monster by chewing it's long umbilical cord, which seems to be attached to the wall, but that didn't finish it off! There it was again, the next saturday, suck the carpet off the floor!
Good luck with that!
Jemima Jones Beck

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Weeny an' Daisy ... I've tagged you for the BOOK MEME! Stop by for details (4/10 post).

Oh, an' we've got a rug-sucking monster at our house. It's purple an' turquoise (a furry scary color combination if ever there were one. An' it's called the Dyson AMINAL!) SCARY!

lizzy said...

yep, we have one of those, and i don't like it either. i usually hide in the corner, and if it comes too close i leave the room. it's too loud so it's scary!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

awh you lucky pugs it didn't get you! our mommy used it to vaccum us!!!!! we were not happy

Love Licks