Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 4 or 5 people to also do the meme.
1. What was I doing 10 years ago? Mummy was in high school, studying for her GCSE's! We werent even a twinkle in our pug mummys eye yet! Imagine! A world without us, it must have been very boring!
2. Five Things on my to-do list today. Mummy needed to update our blog, take us for a walk, read up about her new job, thank people for her birthday cards and speak to her mummy and daddy, to plan their visit next weekend. we have to sleep, eat, sleep, sleep some more and then go for a walk!
3. Three snacks I enjoy. Mummy likes Crisps, Yoghurts anc cake! We like anything we manage to steal, beg or be given :D
4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire. Mummy would buy a house, take a course of driving lessons and get a car, give money to her family so they would be comfortable for life and pay off any money she owed (nothing at the moment, hooray!) We would buy a lifetime supply of treats and toys!
5. Three of my bad habits. Mummy is a worrier and shouldnt worry so much, she also wishes she didnt care so much what people thought, We should not fart in peoples faces or try and eat food from mummys plate.
6. Five places I have lived. Mummy has lived in London, Hull, Tel aviv, North Israel and Cardiff, and we have lived in Cardiff alllll our life.
7. Five jobs I have had. Mummy has worked as a travel agent, market researcher, hotel receptionist, customer service advisor and now she works in a bank. we are chief food and sleep testers.
Hope you enjoyed reading about us! Anyone that wants to play, can! :D
Other news we have, is that mummy got her job! We are so so proud and happy for her :)
Here is a cute piccie of us, being caught up on the big bed without permission!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx